2024 reimbursements

  • Reimbursements for expenses in 2024 will open in January 2025
  • In the second week of January there will be a communication, sharing the link to input your expenses. 
  • Reimbursements will be processed as part of February payroll 

At Camunda, we recognize the importance of physical activity for our employees' well-being, especially since many of us spend long hours working behind a laptop screen. We strongly encourage and support our team members in engaging in various forms of movement throughout the day.

Moving our bodies is a natural and highly effective way to reduce anxiety and stress. Regular physical activity helps relieve tension, boost both physical and mental energy levels, and enhance overall well-being through the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Any form of movement that gets you active is beneficial, whether it's taking a walk, going for a swim, participating in a group fitness class, or engaging in any other activity that you enjoy.

We believe that by prioritizing and promoting physical activity, we can foster a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. As part of our commitment to employee well-being, we encourage you to find ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine and take advantage of any resources or initiatives provided by Camunda to support your physical fitness goals.


Camunda Services GmbHCamunda IncCamunda Ltd, Camunda PTE Ltd, Remote.com

Camunda Services GmbH employees are entitled to one of the following:

  • a Camunda sponsored membership with Urban Sports Club 
  • OR a €500 yearly fitness salary reimbursement. This add-on can be up to the equivalent of €500/£500 and receipts/membership contracts need to be submitted using the linked google form for 2023 by 2024-01-24. For any questions, please reach out to people-operations@camunda.com

The employee can choose whether they would prefer the Urban sports membership or the salary reimbursement. It is important to note that employees are not able to participate in both. 

For 2023 reimbursements: Note: GmbH Camundi that are current members of Urban Sports Club are not eligible for submission, those who cancelled their membership mid-year will have their submissions pro-rated.

If participating in the cash reimbursement, here is how it works: 

  1. The employee signs up to a gym, sports club, sports classes, sports competition of their choice.
  2. In January of every year People Operations will collect receipts for the employees' sports memberships of the previous year.
  3. Payroll adds up to the equivalent of €500 to the employee's yearly salary, depending on the value of the membership.
  4. The add on will occur yearly in February for the previous year.

If participating in the Urban Sports membership, here is how it works: 

Urban Sports Club offers swimming, fitness, yoga, bouldering, team sports and more with one membership all over Germany.

As a Camunda Services GmbH employee, you can choose from the following options:

M membershipL membership


477 venues in Berlin

1243 venues in other cities

Monthly limit: unlimited

Sign up start: 1st of the following month

Cancellation period: 1 month


(additional extra paid by Camundi)

574 venues in Berlin

1647 venues in other cities

Monthly limit: unlimited, plus 4* massage & EMS per month

Sign up start: 1st of the following month

Cancellation period: 1 month

In order to sign up and receive the Camunda discount, please use the following link: 


For FAQ's please visit Urban Sports Clubs dedicated information for members section

Existing memberships can be adjusted. Please see this page.

Disclaimer: So far we operate under the assumption that this membership does not induce any further taxes for you. We cannot guarantee that this will hold forever. If something changes, we will notify you beforehand. 


  • Can I participate in an Urban Sports membership and receive a cash reimbursement? - No, employees in Germany must select one or the other to participate in.  
  • Will I be taxed on this money? - Yes, as it will be added to your salary and are therefore subject to employment tax.
  • What if my membership is less than €500? - You will be reimbursed for your actual costs up to €500. E.g. if your yearly fitness expenditure is €395 you will be reimbursed €395.
  • My membership is less than €500. Can I use the remainder for new sports gear or home gym equipment? - No. The €500/£500 are for memberships, classes, competitions, ... only.
  • Can I pick any gym, sports class, club, ...? - Yes, the choice is all yours.
  • What  if my membership exceeds €500? - You will have to pay the difference yourself. 
  • What if I only started in October? - The benefit is pro-rated for any year that you have not fully worked for Camunda.

Camunda Inc employees are entitled to a yearly fitness salary reimbursement. This add-on can be up to $600 and receipts/membership contracts need to be submitted using the linked google form for 2023 by 2024-01-24. For any questions, please reach out to people-operations@camunda.com

How does it work:

  1. The employee signs up to a gym, sports club, sports classes, sports competition of their choice.
  2. In January of every year People Operations will collect receipts for the employees' sports memberships of the previous year.
  3. Payroll adds up to $600 to the employee's yearly salary, depending on the value of the membership.
  4. The add on will occur yearly in February for the previous year.


  • Will I be taxed on these $600? - Yes, the $600 will be added to your salary and are therefore subject to employment tax.
  • What if my membership is less than $600? - You will be reimbursed for your actual costs up to $600. E.g. if your yearly fitness expenditure is $495 you will be reimbursed $495.
  • My membership is less than $600. Can I use the remainder for new sports gear or home gym equipment? - No. The $600 are for memberships, classes, competitions, ... only.
  • Can I pick any gym, sports class, club, ...? - Yes, the choice is all yours.
  • What  if my membership exceeds $600? - You will have to pay the difference yourself. The add-on of up to $600 is equal for all Inc. employees.
  • What if I only started in October? - The benefit is pro-rated for any year that you have not fully worked for Camunda.

Camunda full-time employees at Camunda Ltd, Camunda PTE Ltd, and remote.com are entitled to a yearly fitness salary reimbursement. This add-on can be up to the equivalent of €500/£500 and receipts/membership contracts need to be submitted using the linked google form for 2023 by 2024-01-24. For any questions, please reach out to people-operations@camunda.com

How does it work:

  1. The employee signs up to a gym, sports club, sports classes, sports competition of their choice.
  2. In January of every year People Operations will collect receipts for the employees' sports memberships of the previous year.
  3. Payroll adds up to the equivalent of €500/£500 to the employee's yearly salary, depending on the value of the membership.
  4. The add on will occur yearly in February for the previous year.


  • Will I be taxed on this money? - Yes, as it will be added to your salary and are therefore subject to employment tax.
  • What if my membership is less than €500/£500? - You will be reimbursed for your actual costs up to €500/£500. E.g. if your yearly fitness expenditure is €395/£395 you will be reimbursed €395/£395.
  • My membership is less than €500/£500. Can I use the remainder for new sports gear or home gym equipment? - No. The €500/£500 are for memberships, classes, competitions, ... only.
  • Can I pick any gym, sports class, club, ...? - Yes, the choice is all yours.
  • What  if my membership exceeds €500/£500? - You will have to pay the difference yourself. The add-on of up to €500/£500 is equal for all RoW employees.
  • What if I only started in October? - The benefit is pro-rated for any year that you have not fully worked for Camunda.

Sport Events

As well as our fitness offer, which Camundi can take advantage of in their day-to-day life, we also offer financial support for anyone wanting to take part in larger externally organized sporting events. 

Learn more on the Sport Event page.


  1. My gym/leisure club does not provide receipts / invoices, what else can I submit?
    1. If possible, please submit a snip from your bank statement with the value of the purchase and the name of the vendor, if payment is made monthly please include monthly amounts as well as your contract/proof of membership. 
  2. What sorts of things can I reimburse?
    1. Gym Membership
    2. Sports classes/training 
    3. Club membership (e.g., crossfit, running club etc)
    4. Fitness app that includes classes (e.g., Peloton membership, FitBit, Apple Fitness +)
  3. What sorts of things can I NOT reimburse?
    1. Gym or sports equipment (e.g., bikes, treadmills, heart rate monitors, sports apparel)
    2. Memberships for your spouse or family; this is for Camundi only
  4. I am purchasing a membership in Dec 2024, but will only start it in 2025. From which years budget does this come?
    1. Reimbursements are based on when they are realised/incurred.
    2. This means that if you purchase a new membership in Dec of 24, this will be associated with your 2024 fitness entitlement. 
    3. i.e., expenses with a date in X calendar year, can be claimed in January of X+1. 
    4. Suggestion:
      1. Work with the provider to align costs to the associated calendar year, i.e., if you want to use your 2025 budget, have the expense dated in 2025. 

Process for People Ops, how to collect submissions each January:

  1. Make a copy of the previous years google form. 
    1. Review content and amend as needed eg dates, employers, departments etc. 
      1. Create a new folder for uploads 
      2. Click on the responses tab and link to sheets.
      3. When set up correctly you will have 3 files, the google form, the google sheets with responses & a google folder to hold the uploaded PDFs.  
      4. Note, this all needs to be setup on a personal drive and shared with the relevant stakeholders. Shared drives do not support form submissions. 
    2. 2023 Documents - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Jpc_3yaTDmZW5_eduiXpAsMBYAt2vKnT 
      1. 2023 Fitness Reimbursement
      2. 2023 Fitness Reimbursement (Responses)
      3. 2023 Fitness Reimbursement (File responses)
    3. 2024 documents -
  2. Create a new comms using last years template, see below.  
    1. Fitness Reimbursement Comms
  3. Send to Total Reward / People Ops for audit / testing.
    1. Ensure responses save. 
  4. Create a timeline for the comms & actions, see 2024's as an example below. 
    1. First week back from Holidays
      1. Update the confluence page to provide Camundi with an FYI on when to expect to hear more about submissions. 
    2. 8th Jan
      1. Put google form together & ask y'all to test it out!
    3. 9th Jan
      1. Update Confluence page with Links
      2. Add detailed instructions to confluence page on what / how to run this cycle.
      3. FYI to Doris & Stehpanie that comms will be sent to Camundi this week & action will be needed on their side for February Payroll.
    4. 10th Jan
      1. Launch Comms to all Camundi.
    5. 15th Jan
      1. Follow up reminder comms
    6. 20th Jan
      1. Submissions closed EOD comms
    7. 21st Jan
      1. Audit Files
        1. Files need to be audit to ensure: 
          1. Amount submitted matches receipt amount. 
          2. GMBH Camundi are not also members of USC. 
          3. Camundi are only reimbursed for the amounts that are provided in submitted documentation 
          4. Documentation is in the name of the Camundi (dependent on scale of submissions, reach out to enquire after further documentation).
          5. payments fall within the prior calendar year 
          6. amounts are pro-rated by month based on tenure
        2. People Ops/ Total rewards /Payroll to four-eye the audit
    8. 23rd Jan
      1. Share file with Payroll by EOD.
      2. Payroll + Total Rewards to audit
      3. Payroll to review and submit to payroll partners by associated cut off date. 
    9. Early Feb
      1. prepare a build zap to share the outcome of the submission to make sure the Camundi is aware. 3 columns are required, amount (including currency), Email and Notes, detailing if the value was pro-rated, or in some cases why it may have been declined.  
        1. Dear Camundi,

          Thank you for submitting your fitness expenses for reimbursement! 🥳 It is heartening to see how you are prioritising your physical health.

          Your submission has been reviewed, and you will be reimbursed «Amount» during the February payroll run. If you are a member of our US entity please note that you will see this added to the second payroll run for the Month.

          Additional notes, if any, related to the outcome of your submission can be found below:


          All the best,

          People Operations

    10. February Payroll, Camundi will be reimbursed subject to local taxes. 
      1. For US employees this will be in the second paycheck for February


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