An employee assistance program (EAP) is an employee benefit program that assists employees with personal problems and/or work-related problems that may impact their job performance, health, mental and emotional well-being.  (Source:

Camunda currently offers EAP services to employees of the following entities:

Camunda Inc


Your ComPsych® GuidanceResources® benefit provides you and your dependents 24/7 support, resources, and information to help you with all of life's challenges. From no-cost, confidential counseling and legal support, to financial information and personalized work-life resources, we've got you covered.
Camunda LtdAIG SmartHealth

Get unlimited access to
a 24/7 online GP as well as a range of other health and wellbeing experts. 

To access, download the app and enter the scheme policy number
RemoteVariesSome of remote's benefit plans include an EAP. We are working with remote to determine who is eligible for this benefit and will document on this page. 


  1. FYI: Brittany Rohde Emily Cady I have marked this page for archiving hugging face As I believe this sits better under Modern health and the EAPs under the various entity benefits. Let me know if any concerns!

    1. Wesley Hattingh, I agree! These programs are captured under each entity's benefits page, so this page holds duplicate information. Thank you for archiving! 😊