- Created by Nastasja Johnston, last modified by Marija Prolic on May 10, 2024
This page is a collection of best practices to support all Camundi to stay healthy whilst working remotely. Best practices can differ, based on personal preferences. Listen to yourself to set yourself up for success first, for general practices see the tips below.
Take Breaks
Build in extra breaks to your day – times when you normally would have grabbed coffee or a snack at the office, or played a game of ping pong. When you log out of a meeting, take the time to walk around your house, swinging your arms and taking some deep breaths. If you don't have many meetings, set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to stand and stretch at regular intervals.
- Helpful links:
- Apps that will remind me to take a break: https://www.umsystem.edu/totalrewards/wellness/activity_and_break_apps
- Need to disconnect from work for a few minutes? There are places offering free content while everything is shut down: Entertainment. Add the links you've found here as well!
Set a Routine
As much as possible, stick to your normal routine. If you usually make coffee, eat breakfast, and work out before heading into the office, try to maintain that routine while working from home. Establishing this new routine will help you feel like you're going to work even though you're not leaving your house. Along those same lines, keep your habit of showering and getting dressed for your day as if you were going into the office. This small queues will help your brain understand that it's time to work.
Establish a "Start" and "End" marker to your day
Example of what's working for one Camundi:
"For me, my workday starts by my making a cup of coffee and looking over my emails on my phone to make sure I have a general awareness of what I'm walking into when I sit down at my desk. This tells my brain that it's time to start my day. I end my workday with a walk around the block with my dog (yes, even now!) which helps me disconnect from work and start my evening. Setting alarms on your phone to indicate that you should start winding down your day might be helpful if you live alone and there isn't anything to indicate that it should be the end of the workday (e.g. people leaving the office or someone starting to make dinner)."
Take advantage of Camunda initiatives designed to support you
- Workspace Rental
- Working from home all day, every day doesn't work for everyone - find what works best for you and refer to our Workspace Rental Policy
- Modern Health
- Modern Health is a wellness platform for you and your dependents where you can find different tips and tricks on various topics that are of your interest, see more here.
- Tools available and best usage
- Setting yourself up for a success with tooling can be challenging, discover here tips and tricks on our main tool for collaboration and how to make it easier to use.
- Meeting Guidelines
- Having plenty meetings on Zoom can occasionally feel overwhelming, check our meeting guidelines that support meeting effectivness in remote setup.
- Building Connective Tissue
- Working fully Remote has plenty of advantages, but there's a risk of feeling isolated occasionally - it's important to invest time to build connections with other Camundi
- Join #donut-and-coffee channel
- Explore if there are other Camundi living near you (using regional channels) and have day together in coworking space
- Join social groups based on your preference (#baking, #camundogs etc...)
- Working fully Remote has plenty of advantages, but there's a risk of feeling isolated occasionally - it's important to invest time to build connections with other Camundi
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On this Page
Wesley Hattingh
Hi Nastasja Johnston ! Would you mind moving this page under Remote Company in the benefits and perks space? This is associated with the change Emily Cady chatted to you about!
Nastasja Johnston